I know I need to be working on posting some more Europe pics, but this looks fun.
Memory Game:
Here is a fun little game... leave a comment (or a few) on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time or a long time, anything that you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It is pretty funny to read the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. On your mark... get set... blog those memories
The Office Birthday Party
5 years ago
Sitting in your room in your basement folding all our notes so that we could add them to your note chain that you had hanging around your room. I also remember painting our nails in all sorts of designs and looking through your Richard box. :)
I always remember you being so cute and stylish -- looks like you still are! You were one of the girls in the dorms that I definitely was a little intimidated by because you were smart, beautiful, had things together, and were a lot of fun!
I also remember working at Convergeys together. I'm really glad I never have to work there again!
I remember the many YW activities we did together; like making jewlery and working out in the gym.
My very first memory of you was when you and Sam came to look at our apartment. It was a Sunday and Marc was doing bishopric stuff so he wasn't there. Later that night when Marc asked about the couple that came to look at it, all I could remember was that you had red hair. He was like "that's all you remember?" My response was "I can't remember much these days (pregnancy brain), so give me some credit."
sizzling belly-buttons...
I'm so lucky that I got to spend two weeks with you in Europe so I have lots of memories with you. I know all about the note chain and how you and Sam met and how he proposed.
I'll always remember eating lots of chips and asking for tap water everywhere we went.
I also will never forget the first time I saw you, you were wearing a blue suit and I thought you were so pretty with your red hair!
I remember when we would sneak into that hotel's pool/hot tub (in the dead of freezing Logan's winter). That was always a blast...and always freezing. I have a picture of you standing out in the snow with nothing but a bathing suit on (actually i think you have socks on too).
Oh Lacey - there are too many memories to write down here. I may have to write a book about it. Here are just a few: escaping my horribly messy room in the dorms to go right next door to your spotless abode; Puff and Toot; asking boys on dates; the time that jerome stood you up; the time you cut your hair and hated it - so all the girls in the dorm stood in the bathroom with you while you cried; meeting in the mornings to have breakfast (both in the dorms and afterward at Old Farm); standing in line to sign up to live in Old Farm (that was the first time I saw Greg by the way); hottubing; our awesome trip to Texas; going to Boise with you and playing at your dad's waterpark - that was the best ever!; camping; those colored baskets you bought to make shelves in our room at Old Farm; driving to JoAnn's in your white pontiac; dancing - I still remember the way you dance - love it... in fact, I loved it all. I loved being your roommate and having you as one of my best friends. You were wonderful and still are. I hope that we can keep in touch and even visit each other so that we can continue to make memories together!
I remember the first time that I saw you - I thought you had the most amazing red hair (I have always wanted red hair, ever since I fell in love with Little Orphan Annie) and thinking that you and Sam make the cutest couple, you looked oh so in love with each other. I will never forget the night we were beading at my house and you totally claimed the smell - I LOVE the fact that it showed how down to earth and fun you are - and showed how well you fit in around all of us!! I remember you standing at the pulpit to give your testimony - something I fear - and thinking what a wonderful speaker you are and giving me the little extra courage I needed to stand and bear my testimony.
I think you are great and am so glad that I have had the opportunity to get to know you!!
My favorite memory is when you broke your toe in the shower and came to consult me with only a towel on. Once you calmed down you realized that the towel didn't cover everything :) Never a dull moment with you as a roomy!
Man, I was hoping to leave a memory before you added another post - but I was too late! I love your England pictures, by the way.
Lace, I have so many fun memories of you and our time in Logan. I really admired and looked up to you. You were/are a great example of faith and sticking to your standards - I loved it. You also have such a fun and infectious personality. If you wanted to laugh or have fun, call Lacey. You have the best style (and I didn't have any). Funny enough, I remember our countless conversations while eating at the Towers cafeteria together. I also loved attending aerobics with you and vividly remember having a hard time keeping up with you. We had such a great time driving to the wedding reception in Ogden in your sweet ride. And of course, who could forget the infamous double date! Thank goodness for Matt.
There are so many more to choose from. Thank you so much for the memories!
My memories of you are new, since we've only known each other a relatively short time, but perhaps your EXCELLENT note taking skills, and your beautiful hand-made beaded jewelry will be among the memories that will last a long time. I'm looking forward to making more memories as we contiue to serve together in RS. I'm loving your Europe pics!!!
Okay, so the memory is late in coming since this was posted a while ago. I was actually just looking at some old high school pics and reminiscing the other day and found many with Lacey...the one always up for anything...and always having fun.
So, back in high school Lacey and I had this on-going joke about being not letting any boys come between us because we were girlfriends. (okay I have to be careful these days how i word that.) Anyhow, so one day I got her e-mail address and wrote a hilarious and sappy love letter. Then, a few days later someone wrote back and said they didn't know who Lacey was, but that they thought she was a very lucky girl. :) I guess I had accidently sent it to the wrong address.
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